Tuition is based on 10 equal Monthly Installments consists of 18 School days in each month

We are located in Blackhawk Plaza, Danville CA.
Serving communities in Alamo, Danville, Diablo, Dublin, San Ramon and Walnut Creek for Pre-school/ Kindergarten aged children
Call us at (925) 575-7212 for more details

 * = Half-Day Program options include:
- Everyday Yoga and Movement sessions
- Once a week Language and Music classes

** = Full-Day Program options include:

- Everyday Yoga and Movement sessions

- Once a week Language and Music class (For Prep)
- Twice a week Language and Music classes (For Pre-K)
- Once a week Science class (For all classes)

*** = Option: G-I includes all Full-Day program activities

Before and after School Childcare is available to all Blackhawk Montessori families who need additional care beyond their Child's class time.

Timings: 7:00am - 9am

               3:00pm - 6pm

Hourly Rate: $14.00 for Options A-F

​Hourly Rate: $12 for Option G-I

  • No extra charge for non potty trained child
  • Highly qualified and experienced Montessori teachers 
  • Teacher to Child ratio 1:8 for Prep, Preschool/ Kindergarten programs
  • Safe, Secure and State of the art brandnew and green facility

We are flexible to schedule the days that fit your needs. Enrollments during the middle of the month will be prorated for that month per the monthly installment schedule. Please contact the Administration team for more details.